Case Study: Saqi Restaurant

Case studies

Saqi Restaurant – Leveraging Digital Transformation for Business Growth


Client Overview : Saqi Restaurant, located in the bustling neighborhood of Khar, Mumbai, is renowned for its delectable cuisine and inviting ambiance. Despite its popularity among locals, Saqi Restaurant faced the challenge of maximizing its online presence and driving foot traffic to sustain and grow its business.

Challenges Faced:

  1. Limited Online Presence: Saqi Restaurant lacked a robust online presence, which hindered its ability to reach potential customers and compete effectively in the digital landscape.
  2. Footfall Generation: With increasing competition in the restaurant industry, Saqi Restaurant needed strategies to attract more patrons and boost foot traffic to its establishment.
  3. Public Relations Enhancement: Saqi Restaurant aimed to enhance its brand image and visibility through effective public relations strategies, further establishing itself as a prominent player in the market.


Solution Provided by Scalar Tech Media:

Recognizing the challenges faced by Saqi Restaurant, Scalar Tech Media devised a comprehensive digital transformation strategy tailored to meet their specific objectives:

  1. Social Media Management:Scalar Tech Media implemented a targeted social media management plan, leveraging platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to enhance Saqi Restaurant’s online presence. Engaging content, visually appealing posts, and strategic ad campaigns were employed to captivate audiences and drive customer engagement.
  2. Footfall Generation Tactics: Through innovative marketing strategies and localized targeting, Scalar Tech Media successfully boosted foot traffic to Saqi Restaurant. By implementing geo-targeted ads, enticing promotions, and strategic partnerships with local influencers, footfall numbers saw a significant uptick, resulting in increased revenue and customer loyalty.
  3. Public Relations Enhancement: Scalar Tech Media orchestrated a PR campaign aimed at elevating Saqi Restaurant’s brand image and visibility. Strategic press releases, media outreach, and collaborations with industry influencers and bloggers helped position Saqi Restaurant as a standout establishment, garnering positive reviews and enhancing credibility in the market


Results Achieved:

The collaboration between Saqi Restaurant and Scalar Tech Media yielded remarkable results:

Sales Boost: Through targeted digital marketing efforts and enhanced online visibility, Saqi Restaurant experienced a substantial increase in sales, driving revenue growth and profitability.

Foot Traffic Surge:Scalar Tech Media’s footfall generation strategies resulted in a notable surge in customer visits to Saqi Restaurant, contributing to enhanced customer acquisition and retention.

PR Success:Saqi Restaurant’s enhanced PR efforts led to increased media coverage, positive reviews, and heightened brand recognition, solidifying its position as a top player in the local dining scene.


The partnership between Saqi Restaurant and Scalar Tech Media exemplifies the transformative power of digital marketing and strategic planning in driving business growth. Through innovative strategies and meticulous execution, Scalar Tech Media helped Saqi Restaurant overcome challenges, achieve tangible results, and establish a strong foothold in the competitive restaurant industry.

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Case Study: Midtown Fitness – Driving Growth Through Digital Transformation

Client Overview:

Midtown Fitness, nestled in the vibrant neighborhood of Parel, Mumbai, is a leading fitness center renowned for its state-of-the-art facilities and personalized training programs. Despite its stellar reputation, Midtown Fitness sought to amplify its digital presence and attract a wider audience to its facility.

Challenges Faced:

  1. Limited Digital Presence: Midtown Fitness lacked a robust online presence, limiting its ability to reach potential clients and expand its membership base.
  2. Foot Traffic Enhancement: With increasing competition in the fitness industry, Midtown Fitness needed strategies to boost foot traffic to its facility and attract more clients.
  3. Brand Visibility: Midtown Fitness aimed to enhance its brand visibility and establish itself as the go-to fitness destination in Parel, Mumbai.

Solution Provided by Scalar Tech Media :

In response to the challenges faced by Midtown Fitness, Scalar Tech Media devised a targeted digital transformation strategy:

  1. Social Media Optimization: Scalar Tech Media revamped Midtown Fitness’s social media profiles, curating engaging content and implementing strategic ad campaigns to enhance brand visibility and attract potential clients.
  2. Foot Traffic Generation: Through localized targeting and innovative marketing tactics, Scalar Tech Media successfully drove foot traffic to Midtown Fitness. Geo-targeted ads, enticing promotions, and partnerships with local influencers were leveraged to attract fitness enthusiasts to the facility.
  3. Brand Enhancement: Scalar Tech Media implemented a PR campaign aimed at elevating Midtown Fitness’s brand image and visibility. Press releases, media outreach, and collaborations with fitness influencers positioned Midtown Fitness as a premier fitness destination in Parel.

Results Achieved:

The collaboration between Midtown Fitness and Scalar Tech Media yielded impressive results:

– Membership Growth: Scalar Tech Media’s digital transformation efforts led to a significant increase in membership at Midtown Fitness, driving revenue growth and profitability.

– Foot Traffic Surge: Midtown Fitness experienced a notable surge in foot traffic, with Scalar Tech Media’s marketing strategies attracting a steady flow of clients to the facility.

– Brand Recognition: Scalar Tech Media’s PR initiatives bolstered Midtown Fitness’s brand recognition, establishing it as a prominent player in the local fitness industry and attracting a loyal clientele base.


The partnership between Midtown Fitness and Scalar Tech Media exemplifies the transformative impact of digital marketing and strategic planning in driving business growth. By leveraging innovative strategies and meticulous execution, Scalar Tech Media helped Midtown Fitness overcome challenges, achieve tangible results, and emerge as a leading fitness destination in Parel, Mumbai.

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Case Study: SoulCraft Psychology – Expanding Reach Through Digital Transformation


Client Overview:

SoulCraft Psychology, led by Dr. Dharmishta and based on Instagram as @soulcraftpsychology, is a trusted provider of psychological services known for its personalized approach and commitment to client well-being. Seeking to amplify its online presence and attract a wider audience, SoulCraft Psychology partnered with Scalar Tech Media.

Challenges Faced:

  1. Limited Online Visibility: SoulCraft Psychology lacked a robust online presence, hindering its ability to reach potential clients and expand its client base.
  2. Client Acquisition: With stiff competition in the psychology services sector, SoulCraft Psychology needed strategies to attract more clients and grow its practice.
  3. Brand Recognition: SoulCraft Psychology aimed to enhance its brand recognition and establish itself as a go-to resource for psychological services in its target market.


Solution Provided by Scalar Tech Media:

In response to SoulCraft Psychology’s challenges, Scalar Tech Media crafted a targeted digital transformation strategy:

  1. Online Presence Enhancement: Scalar Tech Media optimized SoulCraft Psychology’s Instagram profile, curating engaging content and implementing strategic marketing campaigns to increase visibility and attract potential clients.
  2. Client Acquisition Tactics: Through targeted advertising and lead generation strategies, Scalar Tech Media effectively expanded SoulCraft Psychology’s client base, driving growth and revenue for the practice.

            3.Brand Building:Scalar Tech Media executed a brand-building campaign to elevate SoulCraft Psychology’s brand recognition. By         leveraging social media platforms and strategic partnerships, SoulCraft Psychology established itself as a trusted authority in the field of psychology.

Results Achieved:

The collaboration between SoulCraft Psychology and Scalar Tech Media yielded impressive outcomes:

Online Reach Expansion: Scalar Tech Media’s digital transformation efforts significantly increased SoulCraft Psychology’s online visibility, allowing it to connect with a broader audience and attract potential clients.

Client Growth: SoulCraft Psychology experienced a notable uptick in client inquiries and appointments, directly attributable to Scalar Tech Media’s client acquisition strategies.

Brand Authority: Scalar Tech Media’s brand-building initiatives elevated SoulCraft Psychology’s brand recognition, positioning it as a leading provider of psychological services in its target market.


The partnership between SoulCraft Psychology and Scalar Tech Media demonstrates the transformative power of digital marketing in driving business growth. Through innovative strategies and meticulous execution, Scalar Tech Media helped SoulCraft Psychology overcome challenges, achieve tangible results, and establish itself as a trusted name in the field of psychology.

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Case Study: Neral Property – Driving Digital Success with Scalar Tech Media


Client Overview:

Neral Property, a leading real estate venture, sought to revolutionize its digital presence and streamline operations to attract new clients and enhance business growth.

Challenges Faced:

  1. Limited Online Presence: Neral Property lacked a robust online platform, hindering its ability to showcase properties effectively and attract potential buyers.
  2. CRM Integration: The absence of an efficient CRM system posed challenges in managing client relationships and streamlining business processes.
  3. Social Media Marketing: Neral Property needed to leverage social media platforms to reach a wider audience and generate leads effectively.

Solution Provided by Scalar Tech Media:

Scalar Tech Media devised a comprehensive digital transformation strategy for Neral Property:

  1. Website Development: Scalar Tech Media developed a user-friendly and visually appealing website for Neral Property, showcasing properties effectively and enhancing user experience.
  2. CRM Implementation: Scalar Tech Media seamlessly integrated a CRM system into Neral Property’s operations, enabling efficient client management, lead tracking, and data analysis.
  3. Social Media Marketing: Scalar Tech Media executed targeted social media marketing campaigns for Neral Property, leveraging platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to reach potential buyers and generate leads.


Results Achieved:

The collaboration between Neral Property and Scalar Tech Media yielded significant outcomes:

Enhanced Online Presence: Scalar Tech Media’s website development efforts resulted in a visually appealing and user-friendly platform, attracting more visitors and potential buyers.

Efficient CRM Integration: Neral Property experienced streamlined operations and improved client management with Scalar Tech Media’s CRM implementation, leading to enhanced productivity and customer satisfaction.

– Successful Social Media Marketing: Scalar Tech Media’s targeted social media marketing campaigns generated leads and increased brand visibility for Neral Property, resulting in a steady influx of inquiries and potential buyers.


Scalar Tech Media’s expertise in website development, CRM integration, and social media marketing proved instrumental in driving digital success for Neral Property. Through innovative strategies and meticulous execution, Scalar Tech Media helped Neral Property overcome challenges, achieve tangible results, and establish itself as a leading player in the real estate market.

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Case Study: MakersStudioByRiya – Instagram Success with Scalar Tech Media


Client Overview:

MakersStudioByRiya, led by interior designer Riya, aimed to enhance its digital presence and attract a broader audience on Instagram to showcase its design portfolio and attract potential clients.

Challenges Faced:

  1. Limited Instagram Reach: MakersStudioByRiya lacked visibility on Instagram, limiting its ability to showcase design projects and attract a wider audience.
  2. Audience Engagement: The absence of effective social media strategies hindered MakersStudioByRiya’s ability to engage with its target audience and generate leads.
  3. Brand Recognition: MakersStudioByRiya sought to establish itself as a prominent player in the interior design industry and increase brand recognition on Instagram.


Solution Provided by Scalar Tech Media:

Scalar Tech Media devised a tailored approach to address MakersStudioByRiya’s challenges:

  1. Social Media Strategy: Scalar Tech Media developed a comprehensive social media strategy for MakersStudioByRiya, focusing on content optimization, audience targeting, and engagement tactics to enhance visibility and attract followers.
  2. Content Creation: Scalar Tech Media curated visually appealing content aligned with MakersStudioByRiya’s brand identity, showcasing design projects, behind-the-scenes insights, and client testimonials to engage the audience effectively.
  3. Performance Tracking: Scalar Tech Media implemented robust analytics tools to monitor MakersStudioByRiya’s Instagram performance, enabling data-driven decision-making and continuous optimization of social media strategies.


Results Achieved:

The collaboration between MakersStudioByRiya and Scalar Tech Media yielded impressive outcomes:

– Increased Instagram Reach: Scalar Tech Media’s strategic approach led to a significant increase in MakersStudioByRiya’s Instagram reach, attracting a broader audience and generating heightened brand visibility.

– Enhanced Audience Engagement: MakersStudioByRiya experienced improved audience engagement, with increased likes, comments, and shares on its Instagram posts, resulting in a more interactive and connected community.

– Improved Brand Recognition: Scalar Tech Media’s efforts enhanced MakersStudioByRiya’s brand recognition on Instagram, establishing it as a reputable interior design brand and attracting potential clients seeking design services.


The partnership between MakersStudioByRiya and Scalar Tech Media exemplifies the transformative power of effective social media strategies in driving business growth. Through innovative techniques and meticulous execution, Scalar Tech Media helped MakersStudioByRiya overcome challenges, achieve tangible results, and establish itself as a prominent player in the interior design industry on Instagram.